A completely Average Guy trying very hard to be a Renaissance Man
aegix's Articles In Humor
April 28, 2005 by aegix
Five Phrases That Probably Aren't A Good Idea For Your Safe Word Phrase When Engaging In S & M (Not that I really know, mind you, but I'm guessing here) 1. That will never fit in there. 2. Tops are wimps. 3. You call that a punch? 4. No need for lubrication 5. I'm allergic to latex.
April 28, 2005 by aegix
Five Phrases That Probably Aren't A Good Idea For Your Safe Word Phrase When Engaging In S & M (Not that I really know, mind you, but I'm guessing here) 1. That will never fit in there. 2. Tops are wimps. 3. You call that a punch? 4. No need for lubrication 5. I'm allergic to latex.
April 29, 2005 by aegix
1. My milkshake 2. That time I was shot nine times by a paint gun 3. My diner waitering $8K/yr "bling" 4. Nebraska thongs 5. Suburban Omaha is my hood
April 29, 2005 by aegix
1. My milkshake 2. That time I was shot nine times by a paint gun 3. My diner waitering $8K/yr "bling" 4. Nebraska thongs 5. Suburban Omaha is my hood