A completely Average Guy trying very hard to be a Renaissance Man
aegix's Articles In Misc
January 21, 2004 by aegix
I'm wearing two pagers today and a cell phone. I can be contacted anywhere, by anybody. I have more responsibility than you. I am gadgetlicious. Let me show you how: Do you know when the transaction logs for your development server databases are more than 15 minutes late? No? I do. What about any event log warning message? Do you get those? Do you get to interrupt conversations with a "Hold up. Let me see what this is." Read the message. Delete said messag...
January 21, 2004 by aegix
"The Salvation Army said Tuesday that it will receive a bequest of at least $1.5 billion, the largest gift of its kind, from the estate of Joan Kroc, widow of hamburger king Ray Kroc. " -- Reuters Does this mean they'll knock off the FUCKING INCESSANT bell ringing for now on?
May 9, 2005 by aegix
If you would turn off your cynicism for just a moment... I was outside with the two younger ones, watching them play in the sandbox. Actually, I was making sure the three-year-old doesn't bash the toddler's head in with a series of well-aimed plastic shovel strikes and said toddler wasn't eating sand. I digress. Comes now the five-year-old and wraps his arms around my neck, asking me to twirl him around. In moment of intense concentration trying to keep my dinner down (my ability...
May 5, 2005 by aegix
Hand me the fucking coin change first, then the paper money. The coins sitting on top of the paper always falls off into that No Man's Chasm of $300 Car Oil Leaks between my car and the drive through window if I don't perform some kind of Hindu yoga master twist of my arm. Christ!
April 8, 2004 by aegix
As often with "funny stories" the humor is usually only funny to the those intimately involved...so you might not find this funny. Do I care? Not really. But here is an email dialogue between a co-worker (NJ) and me (NE). -----------------------xx------------------------------------------ From: Aegix Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 12:32 PM To: Lane; Marc Subject: Stupid Delaware and Rhode Island... -----------------------xx------------------------------------------ From:...